የሚከተሉት ሁኔታዎች-የሚተካው ክፍሎች አናሳ አካላት ናቸው, የአካባቢያዊው ክፍሎች በተሳሳተ መንገድ የተጫኑ ከሆነ (ግራ እና ቀኝ, ከፊት እና ከኋላ, ወደ ላይ እና ወደ ታች አቅጣጫ); Whether the mating parts are aligned with the assembly mark; Whether the disposable disassembly parts (important bolts, nuts, shaft pins, gaskets, O-shaped gaskets, etc.) have been replaced according to the manufacturer's requirements; Whether to replace parts (such as shock absorbing springs) in pairs as required by the manufacturer; Whether to carry out balance test (such as tire) after repair, after excluding the above factors, then analyze and check other parts.

3. For the car that has not been repaired for a long time, the VIE17-digit code of the car should be checked first, the make, model, year, and consultation should be conducted. መጀመሪያ የሙከራ መኪናውን አይመለከቱ. Often this kind of car is a “roadside shop” blindly disassembly caused by complex failures, and the replacement parts are mostly shoddy parts, so the owner should be declared to repair conditions (can not repair, when repair, etc.), in order to prevent blame, such lessons are many, it is necessary to prevent problems.

የገበያን ፍላጎቶችን ለማሟላት የአየር ማቀያ ማቀያ መሳሪያዎች በቅርብ ዓመታት ውስጥ ተጭኗል, ግን ሞተሩ አልተሻሻለም. After installing air conditioning, the power dissipation increases, resulting in insufficient power of the original engine, poor air conditioning effect, repeated suction of the air conditioning clutch, easy to burn, so through the air conditioning suction sound, you can quickly determine the fault location.

የልጥፍ ጊዜ-ፌብሩዋሪ-17-2025