የመኪና ብሬክ ፓድ አምራቾች የመጥፋት ፓድዎችን የመቋቋም ችሎታ እንዲገነዘቡ ይወስዳሉ

የመኪና ብሬክ ፓድ አምራቾች የመጥፋት ፓድዎችን የመቋቋም ችሎታ እንዲገነዘቡ ይወስዳሉ

የአሠራር ሙቀት የመለዋወጥ ወሳኝ ጉዳይ ነው. When the surface temperature of the data reaches the thermal differentiation temperature scale of the organic adhesive, the rubber and resin will differentiate, carbonize and lose weight. With the increase of temperature, this phenomenon intensifies, the bonding effect decreases, and the amount of wear increases sharply, which is called thermal wear.

In the process of friction material testing, the tested sample will have different degrees of thermal expansion under the influence of high temperature, covering the thickness of the sample wear, and sometimes even negative, that is, the thickness of the sample is added after high የሙቀት መጠኑ በእውነቱ ትክክለኛውን መልበስ ማንፀባረቅ የማይችል የሙቀት ልብስ. Therefore, our factory can not only measure the volume wear of the sample, but also measure the mass wear rate of the sample.Brake pad production company, brake pad manufacturers

የልጥፍ ጊዜ: - ፌብሩዋሪ - 07-2025